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cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas

English translation of cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas

commit an offence of drug trafficking

The Spanish phrase 'cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas' translates to 'commit an offence of drug trafficking' in English. Essentially, it refers to the criminal act of producing, transporting and/or dealing drugs illegally. Such an offence is generally considered serious, often leading to hefty penalties in many jurisdictions globally. Note that this phrase might commonly be encountered in legal contexts, such as law enforcement, judiciary, or news reports.

Example sentences using: cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas

La policía sospecha que Juan puede cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas.

English translation of La policía sospecha que Juan puede cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas.

The police suspect that Juan may commit a drug trafficking crime.

This sentence is about a suspicion that someone named Juan might commit a drug trafficking crime. It is an expression of uncertainty about a future event. The key phrase 'cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas' is used in the context of a speculative scenario.

Es indispensable enseñar a los jóvenes sobre las consecuencias de cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas.

English translation of Es indispensable enseñar a los jóvenes sobre las consecuencias de cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas.

It is essential to teach young people about the consequences of committing a drug trafficking crime.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of educating the youth about the repercussions of drug trafficking crimes. The phrase 'cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas' is used in the context of a preventative measure.

A pesar de estar consciente del riesgo, tomó la decisión de cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas.

English translation of A pesar de estar consciente del riesgo, tomó la decisión de cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas.

Despite being aware of the risk, he made the decision to commit a drug trafficking crime.

This sentence narrates a situation where a person willingly partakes in illegal activities despite acknowledging the risk. It uses 'cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas' to portray a conscious act of breaking the law.

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