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cometer un delito de agresión

English translation of cometer un delito de agresión

commit an offence of aggression

The Spanish phrase 'cometer un delito de agresión' translates to 'commit an offence of aggression' in English. It is often used in legal contexts to refer to the act of intentionally harming or attacking someone, resulting in a criminal violation. The phrase emphasizes the serious nature of the action being committed, suggesting the levying of charges or penalties by a governing body or law enforcement institution as a result. In more general usage, it can be used as a strong reproof or criticism for any act of harm or violence.

Example sentences using: cometer un delito de agresión

La Policía está investigando a la persona que pudo cometer un delito de agresión.

English translation of La Policía está investigando a la persona que pudo cometer un delito de agresión.

The Police are investigating the person who could commit an aggression offense.

This statement implies a scenario where the police are currently investigating an individual who may have committed an act of aggression. The specific act isn't mentioned—it's just known that it's aggressive in nature.

Si no te defiendes, alguien podría cometer un delito de agresión contra ti.

English translation of Si no te defiendes, alguien podría cometer un delito de agresión contra ti.

If you don't defend yourself, someone could commit an aggression offense against you.

In the given statement, an essential perspective of self-defence is presented. Specifically, if the addressee doesn't defend themselves, they could become the victim of an aggressive crime. This scenario emphasizes the importance of learning to protect oneself.

En la reunión, Juanito amenazaba con cometer un delito de agresión en pleno día.

English translation of En la reunión, Juanito amenazaba con cometer un delito de agresión en pleno día.

In the meeting, Juanito threatened to commit an aggression offense in broad daylight.

This example presents a situation where 'Juanito' makes a threat during a meeting—a threat to commit an aggressive act in broad daylight. This context does not elucidate the motive behind this potential crime, but it emphasizes the audacity of potentially committing it publicly.

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