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comercio exterior

English translation of comercio exterior

foreign trade

The Spanish term 'comercio exterior' translates to 'foreign trade' in English. It is used in economic and business contexts to refer to the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In essence, 'comercio exterior' describes the process by which countries or businesses buy and sell products and services from and to other countries. Certain transactions can specifically be associated with 'comercio exterior,' including importation and exportation of goods and services, multinational corporate investments, and the implementation of trade agreements.

Example sentences using: comercio exterior

El comercio exterior es vital para la economía global.

English translation of El comercio exterior es vital para la economía global.

Foreign trade is vital for the global economy.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of external trade on a global scale. Here, 'comercio exterior' refers to the business transactions between countries.

Una empresa que quiere expandirse debe considerar el comercio exterior.

English translation of Una empresa que quiere expandirse debe considerar el comercio exterior.

A company that wants to expand must consider foreign trade.

In this context, 'comercio exterior' refers to a strategy for business expansion. The sentence implies that for a company to grow, it should consider trading with markets outside of its home country.

Las políticas de comercio exterior pueden afectar a las economías locales.

English translation of Las políticas de comercio exterior pueden afectar a las economías locales.

Foreign trade policies can affect local economies.

The sentence is stating that policies related to 'comercio exterior' have the potential to influence smaller, local economies. This could refer to import/export laws, tariffs, etc.

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