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English translation of comer

to eat

'Comer' is a regular verb. This verb is used whenever one is eating or consuming food.

Example sentences using: comer

Quiero comer manzanas.

English translation of Quiero comer manzanas.

I want to eat apples.

In this sentence, 'Quiero' translates to 'I want', 'comer' means 'to eat' and 'manzanas' means 'apples'. The verb 'comer' is used to express the action of eating in Spanish.

Necesito comer pronto.

English translation of Necesito comer pronto.

I need to eat soon.

In this sentence, 'Necesito' translates to 'I need', 'comer' means 'to eat' and 'pronto' means 'soon'. The verb 'comer' is used to express the necessity to eat.

Ella puede comer pizza.

English translation of Ella puede comer pizza.

She can eat pizza.

In this sentence, 'Ella' translates to 'She', 'puede' means 'can', 'comer' means 'to eat' and 'pizza' is the same in English and Spanish. The verb 'comer' is used to express ability in Spanish.

Me gusta comer helado.

English translation of Me gusta comer helado.

I like to eat ice cream.

In this sentence, 'Me gusta' translates to 'I like', 'comer' means 'to eat' and 'helado' means 'ice cream'. The verb 'comer' is used to express preference in Spanish.

Vamos a comer pasta.

English translation of Vamos a comer pasta.

We are going to eat pasta.

In this sentence, 'Vamos a' translates to 'We are going to', 'comer' means 'to eat' and 'pasta' is the same in English and Spanish. The verb 'comer' is used to express a future action in Spanish.

No puedo comer carne.

English translation of No puedo comer carne.

I can't eat meat.

In this sentence, 'No puedo' translates to 'I can't', 'comer' means 'to eat' and 'carne' means 'meat'. The verb 'comer' is used to express prohibition or inability in Spanish.

Ellos comen pescado.

English translation of Ellos comen pescado.

They eat fish.

In this sentence, 'Ellos' translates to 'They', 'comen' is the third person plural form of 'comer' which means 'eat' and 'pescado' means 'fish'.

Estoy comiendo un sandwich.

English translation of Estoy comiendo un sandwich.

I am eating a sandwich.

'Estoy comiendo' is the present progressive form of 'comer' which translates to 'I am eating', and 'un sandwich' means 'a sandwich'. This tense is used to indicate that the action is happening right now.

Comer sano es importante.

English translation of Comer sano es importante.

Eating healthy is important.

'Comer sano' translates to 'eating healthy', and 'es importante' means 'is important'. In Spanish, to express general or abstract actions, infinitive verbs like 'comer' can be used as subjects of the sentence.

Terminé de comer.

English translation of Terminé de comer.

I finished eating.

'Terminé' translates to 'I finished' and 'de comer' to 'eating'. 'Comer' is in the infinitive form and preceded by 'de' which is used in Spanish to connect verbs.

No puedo comer pescado.

English translation of No puedo comer pescado.

I can't eat fish.

This statement incorporates negation (No) along with ability (puedo) to say that the speaker is unable to eat fish for possibly medical or personal preferences.

Vas a comer pizza?

English translation of Vas a comer pizza?

Are you going to eat pizza?

This phrase is a yes-no question asking if the listener is planning (Vas) to eat (comer) pizza. This helps beginners understand forming questions in Spanish.

Ella come manzanas.

English translation of Ella come manzanas.

She eats apples.

This sentence introduces students to the third person singular conjugation of comer, 'come', here used to signal that She (Ella) eats (come) apples (manzanas).

Nosotros comemos temprano.

English translation of Nosotros comemos temprano.

We eat early.

This phrase uses the first person plural form of comer, 'comemos' to indicate that we (nosotros) eat (comemos) early (temprano).

Ellos comen demasiado.

English translation of Ellos comen demasiado.

They eat too much.

This sentence uses the third person plural form of comer, 'comen', and introduces the adverb 'demasiado', meaning too, to express the idea of overeating.

Quiero comer helado.

English translation of Quiero comer helado.

I want to eat ice cream.

This phrase introduces desire (Quiero), enforcing learning of the verb 'to want' (querer) in combination with 'to eat' (comer).

Voy a comer fuera esta noche.

English translation of Voy a comer fuera esta noche.

I'm going to eat out tonight.

The phrase presents a future tense (Voy a) combined with the verb 'to eat' (comer) and introduces the adverb 'fuera' for 'out'.

Podemos comer juntos?

English translation of Podemos comer juntos?

Can we eat together?

This is a friendly question offering an opportunity to eat together, introducing the first person plural form of the verb 'Podemos' (Can we).

Prefiero comer en casa.

English translation of Prefiero comer en casa.

I prefer to eat at home.

The phrase embeds the preference (Prefiero) of the speaker to eat (comer) at home (en casa), an ideal sentence to practice the use of 'prefer' (preferir).

Yo necesito comer.

English translation of Yo necesito comer.

I need to eat.

This is a simple phrase stating the necessity (necesito) of the speaker (Yo) to eat (comer). It is an ideal sentence for beginners to understand because it incorporates two important concepts: stating necessity and using the verb comer.

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