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English translation of comedia


In English, 'comedia' translates to 'comedy'. It refers to a genre of dramatic works that are amusing in nature, often focusing on characters who face funny or ridiculous situations. The intent of such works is to bring laughter and entertainment to the audience. This genre can be seen in various forms of media such as film, play, or a book.

Example sentences using: comedia

Estoy escribiendo una comedia

English translation of Estoy escribiendo una comedia

I am writing a comedy

The speaker is using the present continuous tense in Spanish to communicate that they are in the process of writing a comedy. This could refer to a book, a play, a script for a TV show or movie.

La comedia es su género de película favorito

English translation of La comedia es su género de película favorito

Comedy is his favorite movie genre

This sentence expresses the preference using the word 'favorite'. It indicates that the person referred to finds comedies to be the movie genre they enjoy most.

La comedia fue muy divertida

English translation of La comedia fue muy divertida

The comedy was very fun

This sentence is a simple past tense statement indicating the speaker found a comedy, possibly a show or movie, to be enjoyable and funny.

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