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English translation of color


In Spanish, 'color' is used the same way it is used in English. It conveys the visual characteristic predominantly resulting from the reflection, transmission, or emission of light of differing wavelengths. Just like in English, in Spanish, it can be used to describe hues seen in everyday life, arts, painting, and design. However, please note that in Spanish, color is pronounced as co-lor with the accent on the second syllable.

Example sentences using: color

El color de mi coche es azul.

English translation of El color de mi coche es azul.

The color of my car is blue.

This sentence illustrates how to indicate the color of a particular object, in this case - a car, using the Spanish term 'color' similar to its English counterpart.

¿De qué color son tus ojos?

English translation of ¿De qué color son tus ojos?

What color are your eyes?

This example demonstrates the question form using 'color' in the context of personal attributes, specifically referring to eye color.

Mi color favorito es el verde.

English translation of Mi color favorito es el verde.

My favourite color is green.

This sentence shows how to express personal preferences related to colors in Spanish, each individual's favorite color may differ.

¡No te olvides de añadir color!

English translation of ¡No te olvides de añadir color!

Don't forget to add color!

This sentence is an example of using 'color' in an instruction or command form, asking someone to include colors in their work or project.

Ella pintó la habitación de color rosa.

English translation of Ella pintó la habitación de color rosa.

She painted the room pink.

This example sentence shows how 'color' is used in the context of actions related to colors, here - painting a room.

Vestido de color rojo es una buena elección.

English translation of Vestido de color rojo es una buena elección.

A red dress is a good choice.

In this sentence, 'color' is used to discuss fashion choices and the attractiveness of a particular color, in this case, red for a dress.

Los colores del arco iris son hermosos.

English translation of Los colores del arco iris son hermosos.

The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.

This sentence demonstrates the plural form of 'color' ('colores') used to appreciate the multiple colors in a rainbow.

El gato es de color negro y blanco.

English translation of El gato es de color negro y blanco.

The cat is black and white.

In this example, 'color' is used to describe the colors of a pet, here - a cat being black and white.

Las hojas cambian de color en otoño.

English translation of Las hojas cambian de color en otoño.

The leaves change color in autumn.

This sentence showcases the usage of the word 'color' in the context of natural phenomena, precisely the changing colors of leaves in autumn season.

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