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colonia fresco

English translation of colonia fresco

fresh cologne

The Spanish phrase 'colonia fresco' translates to 'fresh cologne' in English. It is often used to describe a type of cologne that has a clean, fresh smell, typically with light, natural undertones such as citrus or marine scents. In this context, 'colonia' refers to 'cologne' or 'perfume', while 'fresco' implies a 'fresh' or 'cool' quality. This phrase is commonly used in marketing or in everyday conversational Spanish when discussing personal grooming products.

Example sentences using: colonia fresco

Ella usa colonia fresco durante el verano.

English translation of Ella usa colonia fresco durante el verano.

She uses fresh cologne during the summer.

This sentence describes a person (in this case, a woman) who uses a specific type of cologne, described as 'fresh', during a specific time of the year (the summer).

Después de bañarse, siempre se pone colonia fresco.

English translation of Después de bañarse, siempre se pone colonia fresco.

After bathing, he always wears fresh cologne.

This sentence is about a routine or habit. It says that a person (in this case, a man) always applies 'fresh cologne' after they bathe.

La colonia fresco que le regalé, ahora es su favorita.

English translation of La colonia fresco que le regalé, ahora es su favorita.

The fresh cologne that I gave him, is now his favorite.

In this sentence, a speaker recounts a past event where they gave 'fresh cologne' as a gift to someone else, and now that cologne has become the recipient's favourite.

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