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English translation of colonia


The Spanish term 'colonia' translates to 'colony' in English. A colony is often understood as a territory or a group under the political control of another country, typically a distant one. This primarily historic concept stands crucial to understand several historic timelines and relations. The word can also refer to a group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country. The word 'colonia' in Spanish holds the same meaning.

Example sentences using: colonia

Vivo en una colonia muy poblada.

English translation of Vivo en una colonia muy poblada.

I live in a very populated colony.

In this sentence, 'colonia' is used to refer to a neighborhood or residential area, not necessarily in the historical context of colonies. It is a common term in many Spanish-speaking countries to describe the area where a person lives.

La colonia de abejas es muy grande.

English translation of La colonia de abejas es muy grande.

The bee colony is very big.

In this example, 'colonia' is used in the biological context to refer to a group of bees living together. This is a straightforward translation and usage of the word 'colony' in English.

Uso la colonia todos los días.

English translation of Uso la colonia todos los días.

I use cologne every day.

Here, 'colonia' is referring to a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, more commonly known as 'cologne'. This is a European Spanish usage, as in Latin America, 'perfume' is more commonly used to refer to both perfumes and colognes.

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