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English translation of cocodrilo


The Spanish word 'cocodrilo' translates to 'crocodile' in English. A 'cocodrilo' is a large aquatic reptile that lives throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Characterized by its long, broad snout and strong jaws, this creature is one of the most recognized and famous reptiles. In English, as in Spanish, the term 'crocodile' can also be metaphorically used to represent danger or a deceptive person.

Example sentences using: cocodrilo

El cocodrilo vive en los pantanos.

English translation of El cocodrilo vive en los pantanos.

The crocodile lives in the swamps.

This statement is describing the habitat of crocodiles, which is typically swamps.

El cocodrilo es un reptil.

English translation of El cocodrilo es un reptil.

The crocodile is a reptile.

This is a simple, factual statement categorizing crocodiles as reptiles.

Vi un cocodrilo en el río.

English translation of Vi un cocodrilo en el río.

I saw a crocodile in the river.

This sentence means the speaker came across a crocodile while they were at the river.

El cocodrilo es un animal peligroso.

English translation of El cocodrilo es un animal peligroso.

The crocodile is a dangerous animal.

This sentence is discussing the danger that crocodiles can represent to people.

El cocodrilo está en peligro de extinción.

English translation of El cocodrilo está en peligro de extinción.

The crocodile is in danger of extinction.

This sentence is expressing concern over the declining population of crocodiles.

Mi sobrino tiene miedo de los cocodrilos.

English translation of Mi sobrino tiene miedo de los cocodrilos.

My nephew is afraid of crocodiles.

In this sentence, the speaker is telling us about their nephew's fear of crocodiles.

El cocodrilo puede cerrar sus mandíbulas con gran fuerza.

English translation of El cocodrilo puede cerrar sus mandíbulas con gran fuerza.

The crocodile can close its jaws with great force.

This sentence reveals interesting fact about crocodiles, which are known for their powerful jaws.

El cocodrilo se parece a un lagarto gigante.

English translation of El cocodrilo se parece a un lagarto gigante.

The crocodile looks like a giant lizard.

This sentence is making a comparison between a crocodile's appearance and that of a large lizard.

Vi a un cocodrilo en el zoológico.

English translation of Vi a un cocodrilo en el zoológico.

I saw a crocodile at the zoo.

This sentence is describing the speaker's experience of seeing a crocodile at the zoo.

No me gustaría nadar con un cocodrilo.

English translation of No me gustaría nadar con un cocodrilo.

I would not like to swim with a crocodile.

In this sentence, the speaker is stating their personal preference to not swim with crocodiles due to their potential danger.

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