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clima tropical

English translation of clima tropical

tropical climate

The term 'clima tropical' in Spanish translates to 'tropical climate' in English. It refers to a type of climate typical of the tropics, which is a region of the Earth within the latitudes 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south of the equator. The tropical climate is characterized by high temperatures throughout the year with significant precipitation. Depending on the region, the rainfall may be evenly distributed throughout the year or occur more heavily in certain seasons.

Example sentences using: clima tropical

El clima tropical es común en Costa Rica.

English translation of El clima tropical es común en Costa Rica.

The tropical climate is common in Costa Rica.

This sentence is stating a fact about the prevalent weather type in Costa Rica. It shows the use of 'clima tropical' to describe a kind of weather.

Muchos turistas aman el clima tropical de las Islas Canarias.

English translation of Muchos turistas aman el clima tropical de las Islas Canarias.

Many tourists love the tropical climate of the Canary Islands.

Here, 'clima tropical' is used to describe what attracts tourists to the Canary Islands.

El clima tropical puede ser muy húmedo y caluroso.

English translation of El clima tropical puede ser muy húmedo y caluroso.

The tropical climate can be very humid and hot.

This sentence is describing typical characteristics of a tropical climate.

En un clima tropical, la vegetación es muy abundante.

English translation of En un clima tropical, la vegetación es muy abundante.

In a tropical climate, vegetation is very abundant.

This sentence describes a common effect of a tropical climate on flora.

Es difícil adaptarse al clima tropical si estás acostumbrado al frío.

English translation of Es difícil adaptarse al clima tropical si estás acostumbrado al frío.

It's hard to adapt to the tropical climate if you're used to the cold.

This sentence discusses the difficulty of adjusting to a different type of climate.

El cambio climático amenaza el clima tropical.

English translation of El cambio climático amenaza el clima tropical.

Climate change threatens the tropical climate.

This sentence illustrates the impact that climate change can have on 'clima tropical'.

El clima tropical favorece la agricultura de ciertos cultivos.

English translation of El clima tropical favorece la agricultura de ciertos cultivos.

The tropical climate favors the agriculture of certain crops.

This sentence explains how 'clima tropical' can be advantageous for certain types of farming.

Algunos animales solo viven en el clima tropical.

English translation of Algunos animales solo viven en el clima tropical.

Some animals only live in the tropical climate.

This sentence is about the types of animals that live in a 'clima tropical'.

Las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos son comunes en el clima tropical.

English translation of Las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos son comunes en el clima tropical.

Mosquito-borne diseases are common in the tropical climate.

In this sentence, it is explained how 'clima tropical' can affect health issues.

El clima tropical permite disfrutar de playas hermosas durante todo el año.

English translation of El clima tropical permite disfrutar de playas hermosas durante todo el año.

The tropical climate allows you to enjoy beautiful beaches all year round.

This sentence refers to one of the benefits of living in a tropical climate.

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