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clima húmedo

English translation of clima húmedo

Wet weather

The Spanish term 'clima húmedo' refers to 'wet weather' in English. It is usually used to describe the meteorological conditions where an area receives a high amount of rainfall, either periodically or throughout the year. This term is often related to regions where the climate is dominated by humidity and precipitation.

Example sentences using: clima húmedo

El clima húmedo de la selva es agobiante

English translation of El clima húmedo de la selva es agobiante

The humid climate of the jungle is overwhelming

This sentence refers to the heavy, humid climate that is often found in a dense jungle or rainforest. It is overwhelming, or heavily felt, because this type of humidity can often feel physically heavy and uncomfortable.

No puedo soportar el clima húmedo de este lugar

English translation of No puedo soportar el clima húmedo de este lugar

I cannot stand the humid climate of this place

This sentence expresses a person's discomfort or difficulty adapting to a humid climate. This kind of sentiment is common in people who are not used to humidity or find it oppressive.

Muchos peces prefieren un clima húmedo

English translation of Muchos peces prefieren un clima húmedo

Many fish prefer a humid climate

Here, the sentence is expressing that a humid environment is the preferred living condition for many types of fish. In biological terms, 'humid climate' could refer to a water-rich environment.

Los mosquitos proliferan en clima húmedo

English translation of Los mosquitos proliferan en clima húmedo

Mosquitoes thrive in humid climate

This sentence implies that mosquitoes tend to multiply or grow well in humid environments as they provide the water bodies mosquitoes need for their life cycle.

El clima húmedo puede causar moho

English translation of El clima húmedo puede causar moho

Humid climate can cause mold

The sentence explains that a humid environment is ideal for the growth of mold. Moisture gives molds the right condition to grow and proliferate.

El clima húmedo me hace sentir pesado

English translation of El clima húmedo me hace sentir pesado

The humid climate makes me feel heavy

The sentence expresses the speaker's subjective feeling about the humid climate. Humidity sometimes can make one's body feel heavier or more lethargic.

El clima húmedo puede ser bueno para la piel

English translation of El clima húmedo puede ser bueno para la piel

The humid climate can be good for the skin

In this sentence, the relation between 'humid climate' and 'skin' is highlighted. Skin can be beneficial due to the higher water content in the air.

El clima húmedo es común en los trópicos

English translation of El clima húmedo es común en los trópicos

The humid climate is common in the tropics

This sentence states that humid climates are typically found in tropical regions. These are regions located near the equator, typically experiencing hot temperatures and significant precipitation.

El clima húmedo de la costa me encanta

English translation of El clima húmedo de la costa me encanta

I love the humid climate of the coast

In this sentence, the speaker expresses a positive sentiment towards a humid climate, specifically in coastal regions. Coastal climates are often humid due to proximity to the ocean.

El clima húmedo puede afectar tu salud

English translation of El clima húmedo puede afectar tu salud

The humid climate can affect your health

This sentence warns about possible health impacts from living in a humid climate. High temperature and high humidity can potentially cause heat illness.

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