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clima extremo

English translation of clima extremo

Extreme weather

The Spanish phrase 'clima extremo' translates to 'extreme weather' in English. It is a term used to describe weather conditions that are significantly different from average patterns. This can include temperatures that are extremely high or low, heavy rainfall, drought, heavy snowfall, and storms such as hurricanes or typhoons. Extreme weather events can have major impacts on human societies and ecosystems. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of some types of extreme weather.

Example sentences using: clima extremo

El clima extremo es cada vez más común debido al calentamiento global.

English translation of El clima extremo es cada vez más común debido al calentamiento global.

Extreme weather is increasingly common due to global warming.

This sentence is suggesting that due to the effects of global warming, extreme weather conditions are becoming more and more frequent.

Es difícil predecir el clima extremo.

English translation of Es difícil predecir el clima extremo.

It's hard to predict extreme weather.

This sentence means that forecasting extreme weather conditions accurately can be quite challenging.

El clima extremo puede causar desastres naturales.

English translation of El clima extremo puede causar desastres naturales.

Extreme weather can cause natural disasters.

This sentence is implying that extreme weather conditions have the potential to trigger natural disasters.

Las plantas pueden morir debido al clima extremo.

English translation of Las plantas pueden morir debido al clima extremo.

Plants can die due to extreme weather.

This sentence conveys that extreme weather conditions can be harmful to plants, potentially causing them to die.

Necesitamos prepararnos para el clima extremo.

English translation of Necesitamos prepararnos para el clima extremo.

We need to prepare for extreme weather.

This sentence encourages the necessity of being prepared for extreme weather conditions for safety reasons.

El clima extremo puede afectar la vida silvestre.

English translation of El clima extremo puede afectar la vida silvestre.

Extreme weather can affect wildlife.

This sentence suggests that extreme weather can have negative impacts on wildlife survival and behavior.

Vivimos en una época de clima extremo.

English translation of Vivimos en una época de clima extremo.

We live in a time of extreme weather.

This sentence refers to the current era as having frequent extreme weather events, potentially due to climate change.

El clima extremo puede cambiar nuestros planes.

English translation of El clima extremo puede cambiar nuestros planes.

Extreme weather can change our plans.

This sentence suggests that unexpected extreme weather can interrupt scheduled plans or activities.

El clima extremo es un problema serio para los agricultores.

English translation of El clima extremo es un problema serio para los agricultores.

Extreme weather is a serious problem for farmers.

This phrase indicates that extreme weather conditions can negatively affect farming, impacting the livelihoods of those in agriculture.

Consecuencias del clima extremo pueden durar años.

English translation of Consecuencias del clima extremo pueden durar años.

Consequences of extreme weather can last years.

This sentence implies that the effects or consequences of extreme weather can be long-lasting and can impact future years.

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