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clase trabajadora

English translation of clase trabajadora

working class

The term 'clase trabajadora' in Spanish translates to 'working class' in English. The working class typically includes people who earn an income through manual labor or low-level positions in the workforce. People belonging to the working class often lack a college degree and are not part of the managerial or professional class. They are characterized by their provision of essential services in the labor market and can be found in various industries like manufacturing, construction, and retail. In a broader sociological context, 'clase trabajadora' might be used as an identity marker in class-based political movements.

Example sentences using: clase trabajadora

La clase trabajadora ha sufrido durante la recesión económica.

English translation of La clase trabajadora ha sufrido durante la recesión económica.

The working class has suffered during the economic recession.

This sentence describes the impact of an economic recession on the working class, indicating that they have undergone hardships or difficulties during such a time.

La clase trabajadora es la columna vertebral de la economía.

English translation of La clase trabajadora es la columna vertebral de la economía.

The working class is the backbone of the economy.

This sentence presents the working class as an essential component of the economy, suggesting that they play a fundamental role in its functionality and growth.

Es importante proteger los derechos de la clase trabajadora.

English translation of Es importante proteger los derechos de la clase trabajadora.

It is important to protect the rights of the working class.

This sentence underscores the importance of safeguarding the interests and rights of the working class, implying that they might be at risk or undervalued.

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