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English translation of cívico


The Spanish word 'cívico' translates to 'civic' in English. It is an adjective that describes anything related to city or town affairs, citizenship, or community activities. This term is commonly used in the context of public involvement and participation in a town or city. For example, when discussing civic duties or responsibilities, such as voting, obeying laws, or volunteering for the betterment of the community.

Example sentences using: cívico

El deber cívico es votar en las elecciones.

English translation of El deber cívico es votar en las elecciones.

The civic duty is to vote in elections.

This sentence is saying that being part of a democracy, a civic responsibility or duty of any citizen is to vote in elections.

El comportamiento cívico es esencial en la sociedad.

English translation of El comportamiento cívico es esencial en la sociedad.

Civic behavior is essential in society.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of civic behavior - meaning responsible behavior towards the community or society - as a crucial element for the betterment of any social system.

La educación cívica debe ser una prioridad en las escuelas.

English translation of La educación cívica debe ser una prioridad en las escuelas.

Civic education should be a priority in schools.

This sentence suggests that civic education, teaching about the rights and duties of citizens, should be emphasized in schools and considered an important part of the curriculum.

El centro cívico está cerrado los fines de semana.

English translation of El centro cívico está cerrado los fines de semana.

The civic center is closed on weekends.

In this sentence, 'civic center' refers to a type of community building where local citizens gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes. It simply indicates that this place is not open during the weekends.

English translation of La plaza cívica es un lugar de reunión popular.

The civic square is a popular gathering place.

This example illustrates that the 'civic square' (an open public area in a city or town where people can gather) is a popular meeting place for people.

La participación cívica es importante para la democracia.

English translation of La participación cívica es importante para la democracia.

Civic participation is important for democracy.

The sentence means that the engagement of citizens in civic activities or public affairs is an essential element to maintaining a functioning democratic society.

Estoy leyendo un libro de texto cívico.

English translation of Estoy leyendo un libro de texto cívico.

I am reading a civic textbook.

This sentence states that the speaker is reading a textbook related to civic issues, meaning it's a book dealing with the rights and duties of the citizen in relation to the community or society.

El valor cívico está en declive en estos días.

English translation of El valor cívico está en declive en estos días.

Civic value is in decline these days.

This phrase conveys the notion that the importance or appreciation of civic virtues or principles is currently diminishing.

La clase de ética cívica fue muy informativa.

English translation of La clase de ética cívica fue muy informativa.

The civic ethics class was very informative.

In this example, the speaker is expressing that a class about 'civic ethics' - principles or standards relating to citizenship and society - was very helpful and informative.

Es nuestro deber cívico pagar nuestros impuestos.

English translation of Es nuestro deber cívico pagar nuestros impuestos.

It's our civic duty to pay our taxes.

This sentence explains that paying taxes is a 'civic duty' - it is one of the responsibilities that people have in their role as citizens of a community or country.

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