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English translation of ciudadano


The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. A citizen is a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country. Citizens can be native born or naturalized and they owe allegiance to their country. Similarly, in Spanish, 'ciudadano' refers to an individual who is a legal member of a particular country, with all the rights, benefits, and duties that come with such membership.

Example sentences using: ciudadano

El ciudadano cumplió con su deber cívico.

English translation of El ciudadano cumplió con su deber cívico.

The citizen fulfilled his civic duty.

This sentence is stating that a specific individual (the citizen) has performed his expected responsibilities related to his status as a citizen.

Los ciudadanos debatieron sobre la nueva ley.

English translation of Los ciudadanos debatieron sobre la nueva ley.

The citizens debated about the new law.

The example emphasizes the role of citizens in discussing and giving their opinions about new laws.

Cada ciudadano tiene derechos inalienables.

English translation of Cada ciudadano tiene derechos inalienables.

Every citizen has inalienable rights.

This sentence expresses the idea that every individual in a society has inherent rights that cannot be taken away.

Es el deber de un ciudadano votar.

English translation of Es el deber de un ciudadano votar.

It is a citizen's duty to vote.

It explains the principle that voting is one of the responsibilities that come with being a citizen in a democracy.

El ciudadano presentó una queja al gobierno.

English translation of El ciudadano presentó una queja al gobierno.

The citizen lodged a complaint with the government.

The example illustrates that citizens have the right to express dissatisfaction with the government.

Los ciudadanos rinden homenaje a sus héroes.

English translation of Los ciudadanos rinden homenaje a sus héroes.

The citizens pay tribute to their heroes.

This sentence suggests that citizens have the responsibility to honour and respect their national heroes.

Los derechos de los ciudadanos son protegidos.

English translation of Los derechos de los ciudadanos son protegidos.

The rights of the citizens are protected.

It's conveying that a society or government protects the rights of its citizens.

La ciudadana pidió ayuda a la policía.

English translation of La ciudadana pidió ayuda a la policía.

The female citizen asked the police for help.

This sentence is stating that a female individual (the citizen) has asked for assistance from the police, highlighting the role of law enforcement in providing assistance to citizens.

El ciudadano pagó sus impuestos.

English translation of El ciudadano pagó sus impuestos.

The citizen paid his taxes.

It is stating that an individual/citizen has fulfilled his responsibility of paying taxes to the government.

Las responsabilidades de un ciudadano son importantes.

English translation of Las responsabilidades de un ciudadano son importantes.

A citizen's responsibilities are important.

The sentence communicates that the duties or responsibilities a person has as a citizen are significant.

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