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circular en coche

English translation of circular en coche

drive by car

The Spanish phrase 'circular en coche' translates to 'drive by car' in English. This refers to the action of operating a motor vehicle, specifically a car. For instance, if someone tells you in Spanish 'Deberías circular en coche', they are suggesting that you should drive by car. It's often used in contexts related to transportation, travel, or commuting.

Example sentences using: circular en coche

No deberías circular en coche si has bebido alcohol.

English translation of No deberías circular en coche si has bebido alcohol.

You shouldn't drive if you've drunk alcohol.

This sentence is advising against the act of driving ('circular en coche') after consuming alcohol. This is due to the fact that it's not only illegal but also highly dangerous.

Es peligroso circular en coche sin un cinturón de seguridad.

English translation of Es peligroso circular en coche sin un cinturón de seguridad.

It's dangerous to drive without a seatbelt.

This sentence is warning about the danger of not using a seatbelt while driving. 'Circular en coche' is used in the context of the action of driving a car.

Me gusta circular en coche por la ciudad durante la noche.

English translation of Me gusta circular en coche por la ciudad durante la noche.

I like to drive around the city at night.

In this context, 'circular en coche' is used to express the action of driving around, particularly in a city during the night.

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