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cine sonoro

English translation of cine sonoro

sound cinema

The term 'cine sonoro' directly translates to 'sound cinema' in English. It is used to refer to the era of cinema that was dominated by sound films after the silence period. It marked a significant transformation in the field of cinema as it introduced audible dialogue and sound effects in films. This technological advancement enhanced the storytelling techniques and had a profound impact on cinematic history and the movie watching experience.

Example sentences using: cine sonoro

El cine sonoro revolucionó la industria del cine en los años 1920.

English translation of El cine sonoro revolucionó la industria del cine en los años 1920.

Sound cinema revolutionized the film industry in the 1920s.

This sentence refers to the major change in film production that occurred when sound was first incorporated into films, creating what is known as 'sound cinema'.

Hoy día, la tecnología del cine sonoro ha avanzado mucho.

English translation of Hoy día, la tecnología del cine sonoro ha avanzado mucho.

Today, the technology of sound cinema has advanced a lot.

This sentence points out that there has been a significant technological progress in the sound cinema tech since it first started in the 1920s.

Yo quiero estudiar la historia del cine sonoro para poder hacer películas mejores.

English translation of Yo quiero estudiar la historia del cine sonoro para poder hacer películas mejores.

I want to study the history of sound cinema in order to make better films.

This sentence shows someone expressing a desire to learn more about the history of sound cinema in order to improve their own film making skills.

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