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cielo estrellado

English translation of cielo estrellado

Starry sky

The Spanish term 'cielo estrellado' translates to 'starry sky' in English. It is a phrase used to describe a clear night sky filled with visible stars. This can often refer to circumstances where urban light pollution is minimal, allowing for the celestial bodies to be more observable. It carries the same feelings of wonder and beauty as its English counterpart.

Example sentences using: cielo estrellado

El cielo estrellado hace que nuestra casa parezca más acogedora.

English translation of El cielo estrellado hace que nuestra casa parezca más acogedora.

The starry sky makes our home seem more cozy.

The phrase is used to convey how a beautiful natural phenomenon like a starry sky can enhance the perceived comfort or attractiveness of a home. It conjures a serene image and might be used in a range of contexts, from a casual remark about an evening's atmosphere to poetic or romantic sentiments.

Vivo en la ciudad, así que rara vez veo el cielo estrellado.

English translation of Vivo en la ciudad, así que rara vez veo el cielo estrellado.

I live in the city, so I rarely see the starry sky.

The phrase is often used by city dwellers to express their longing for or appreciation of open, natural scenery. It speaks to the experience of urban life often missing out on such experiences due to light pollution, tall buildings, and other factors.

Mirar el cielo estrellado siempre me hace soñar.

English translation of Mirar el cielo estrellado siempre me hace soñar.

Looking at the starry sky always makes me dream.

This phrase is often used to express the romantic or dreamy feelings that stargazing can evoke. It can be used to convey a sense of inspiration, contemplation, or awe in the face of the vastness and beauty of the universe.

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