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English translation of ciclista


The word 'ciclista' originates from the Spanish language, referring to a person who rides bicycles. This could be for various purposes such as sports, recreation, or transportation. A 'ciclista' can be of any age or gender, and it is synonymous with the English term, cyclist.

Example sentences using: ciclista

La ciclista ganó la competencia.

English translation of La ciclista ganó la competencia.

The female cyclist won the competition.

This is a simple past tense sentence, where the subject (la ciclista) performs an action (ganó) linked to an object (la competencia).

El ciclista está montando su bicicleta en la carretera.

English translation of El ciclista está montando su bicicleta en la carretera.

The cyclist is riding his bicycle on the road.

This is a descriptive sentence mentioning a cyclist (el ciclista) performing an action (está montando su bicicleta) on a specific location (en la carretera).

Juan es un ciclista profesional.

English translation of Juan es un ciclista profesional.

Juan is a professional cyclist.

This statement introduces Juan (Juan) and his profession (es un ciclista profesional), with the occupation being a cyclist.

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