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chocolate caliente

English translation of chocolate caliente

hot cocoa

The Spanish term for 'hot cocoa' is 'chocolate caliente'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a warm drink made with milk and chocolate or cocoa powder. It's a popular beverage in Spain, especially during cold months.

Example sentences using: chocolate caliente

Me gustaría una taza de chocolate caliente en este frío día.

English translation of Me gustaría una taza de chocolate caliente en este frío día.

I would like a cup of hot chocolate on this cold day.

This sentence expresses a desire for a cup of hot chocolate due to low temperatures, suggesting that hot chocolate is seen as a warm, comforting beverage.

Mi abuela solía hacer el mejor chocolate caliente.

English translation of Mi abuela solía hacer el mejor chocolate caliente.

My grandma used to make the best hot chocolate.

This sentence brings a nostalgic tone, recalling a memory of the speaker's grandmother preparing delicious hot chocolate.

Después de jugar en la nieve, siempre tomamos chocolate caliente.

English translation of Después de jugar en la nieve, siempre tomamos chocolate caliente.

After playing in the snow, we always have hot chocolate.

This statement indicates a tradition or regular activity of drinking hot chocolate following outdoor winter activities.

¿Prefieres café o chocolate caliente?

English translation of ¿Prefieres café o chocolate caliente?

Do you prefer coffee or hot chocolate?

This sentence presents a choice between two hot beverages, coffee and hot chocolate.

El chocolate caliente debe ser servido con malvaviscos.

English translation of El chocolate caliente debe ser servido con malvaviscos.

Hot chocolate should be served with marshmallows.

This phrase expresses an opinion about the most enjoyable way to consume hot chocolate -- with marshmallows added.

El chocolate caliente no es lo mismo sin un trozo de pastel.

English translation of El chocolate caliente no es lo mismo sin un trozo de pastel.

Hot chocolate isn't the same without a piece of cake.

This sentence expresses that hot chocolate is best enjoyed with a piece of cake, indicating a preferred combination of foods.

¿Cómo haces tu chocolate caliente?

English translation of ¿Cómo haces tu chocolate caliente?

How do you make your hot chocolate?

This sentence demonstrates a request for information about individual preparation methods for hot chocolate.

El chocolate caliente es la mejor bebida para el invierno.

English translation of El chocolate caliente es la mejor bebida para el invierno.

Hot chocolate is the best drink for winter.

This message represents an opinion about the best suited drink for the cold winter weather.

Esta tienda sirve el chocolate caliente más dulce que he probado.

English translation of Esta tienda sirve el chocolate caliente más dulce que he probado.

This store serves the sweetest hot chocolate I've ever tasted.

This sentence shares a personal experience and opinion on the quality of hot chocolate at a specific location.

¡El chocolate caliente quema! Deberías dejarlo enfriar un poco.

English translation of ¡El chocolate caliente quema! Deberías dejarlo enfriar un poco.

Hot chocolate is burning! You should let it cool down a bit.

This sentence warns about the high temperature of hot chocolate, suggesting a necessary course of action to avoid potential harm.

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