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chocar contra algo

English translation of chocar contra algo

hit something

The Spanish phrase 'chocar contra algo' translates to 'hit something' in English. It is a verb phrase used to express the action of colliding or coming into violent contact with another object. This can refer both to physical collisions, such as a car hitting a tree, and metaphorical or emotional collisions, where one person or idea comes into conflict with another.

Example sentences using: chocar contra algo

El perro corrió tan rápido que no pudo evitar chocar contra algo.

English translation of El perro corrió tan rápido que no pudo evitar chocar contra algo.

The dog ran so fast that he couldn't avoid running into something.

The sentence describes a situation where a dog runs so fast that it could not avoid colliding with an object. This demonstrates the use of 'chocar contra algo' to express a collision or crash.

Si no controlas tu velocidad al esquiar, podrías chocar contra algo.

English translation of Si no controlas tu velocidad al esquiar, podrías chocar contra algo.

If you don't control your speed while skiing, you can run into something.

In this sentence, the speaker is warning that failing to control one's speed during skiing could lead to a collision. Here, 'chocar contra algo' is used to highlight the potential for a collision that could occur if the person doesn't control their speed.

Durante la niebla, es difícil ver y fácil chocar contra algo.

English translation of Durante la niebla, es difícil ver y fácil chocar contra algo.

During the fog, it's hard to see and easy to run into something.

In this example, the speaker is commenting on the difficulty of visibility during foggy conditions, and how this can lead to potential accidents. The phrase 'chocar contra algo' is used here to express the ease of colliding with an object due to poor visibility.

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