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champú antipiojos

English translation of champú antipiojos

Anti-pioid shampoo

The Spanish term 'champú antipiojos' translates to 'anti-lice shampoo' in English. This is a type of shampoo specifically formulated to kill or repel lice, which are small insects that can infest the hair. It is often used during lice outbreaks in schools or other communal environments.

Example sentences using: champú antipiojos

Ella compró champú antipiojos para su hijo.

English translation of Ella compró champú antipiojos para su hijo.

She bought lice shampoo for her son.

In this sentence, the subject 'She' is buying 'lice shampoo' for her son, demonstrating the use of the word 'champú antipiojos' in a sentence related to purchasing products.

Necesito champú antipiojos para el viaje de campamento.

English translation of Necesito champú antipiojos para el viaje de campamento.

I need lice shampoo for the camping trip.

This sentence is a statement where the speaker expresses the need for 'lice shampoo' for a specific event or activity, which is a camping trip.

El champú antipiojos es esencial en las escuelas primarias.

English translation of El champú antipiojos es esencial en las escuelas primarias.

Lice shampoo is essential in elementary schools.

In this example, the statement expresses the importance or necessity of 'lice shampoo' in a particular setting, which is 'elementary schools'.

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