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champú anticaspa

English translation of champú anticaspa

Anticaspa shampoo

The Spanish phrase 'champú anticaspa' translates to 'antidandruff shampoo' in English. This is a type of hair cleansing product that is specifically designed to treat and prevent dandruff, a common scalp condition. It typically contains ingredients that work to eliminate excess scalp flake, soothe irritation, and maintain a balanced scalp environment to minimize future dandruff flare-ups.

Example sentences using: champú anticaspa

Después de volver de la piscina, suelo usar un champú anticaspa.

English translation of Después de volver de la piscina, suelo usar un champú anticaspa.

After returning from the swimming pool, I usually use an anti-dandruff shampoo.

This sentence is referring to an individual's personal hygiene habit after participating in a swimming activity where they would typically use an anti-dandruff shampoo, indicating that swimming might cause or worsen their dandruff situation.

El salón de belleza recomienda este champú anticaspa.

English translation of El salón de belleza recomienda este champú anticaspa.

The beauty salon recommends this anti-dandruff shampoo.

The phrase is indicating that a salon or a professional in the beauty industry suggests using a certain brand or type of anti-dandruff shampoo. This usually implies that the product is of good quality or effective.

Si tienes problemas con la caspa, podrías probar un champú anticaspa.

English translation of Si tienes problemas con la caspa, podrías probar un champú anticaspa.

If you have problems with dandruff, you could try an anti-dandruff shampoo.

This sentence is giving advice to someone who may be experiencing issues with dandruff. It advises them to perhaps try using an anti-dandruff shampoo which might help with their problem.

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