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cerrar un documento

English translation of cerrar un documento

close a document

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar un documento' translates to 'close a document' in English. In computing contexts, this usually refers to the process of closing a file or document that is currently open on your device, thus ending your recent interaction with it. In the literal sense, it can also refer to physically closing a document or file, like shutting a book. This phrase is typically used in professional, academic, and technological situations.

Example sentences using: cerrar un documento

Debes cerrar un documento antes de apagar la computadora.

English translation of Debes cerrar un documento antes de apagar la computadora.

You should close a document before turning off the computer.

In this sentence, 'cerrar un documento' means to close a document. It is noted that one should close documents before powering down their computer, to prevent data loss.

No puedo cerrar un documento sin guardar los cambios.

English translation of No puedo cerrar un documento sin guardar los cambios.

I cannot close a document without saving the changes.


Cuando termines de editar, recuerda cerrar un documento.

English translation of Cuando termines de editar, recuerda cerrar un documento.

When you finish editing, remember to close a document.

This advice gives the instruction to 'cerrar un documento' or close a document, when one has finished editing. This is an important step to ensure that edits aren't accidentally lost.

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