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English translation of cerebro


The word 'cerebro' is used to refer to the brain in Spanish. It is typically used in a similar context as in English, referring to the organ inside your head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity.

Example sentences using: cerebro

Es importante ejercitar tu cerebro todos los días.

English translation of Es importante ejercitar tu cerebro todos los días.

It's important to exercise your brain every day.

This sentence is talking about the importance of daily mental exercise. The word 'cerebro' is used here in the context of mental capacity or brainpower.

Mi cerebro está lleno de ideas.

English translation of Mi cerebro está lleno de ideas.

This sentence is describing someone being full of ideas in their mind or brain ('cerebro'). It's a way to express creativity or inspiration.


Estoy cansado, mi cerebro necesita descansar.

English translation of Estoy cansado, mi cerebro necesita descansar.

I'm tired, my brain needs to rest.

This sentence means the person is mentally tired and needs a break. 'Cerebro' here refers to mental effort rather than physical.

El cerebro humano es fascinante.

English translation of El cerebro humano es fascinante.

The human brain is fascinating.

This sentiment expresses interest in the workings of the human brain ('cerebro') or neuroscience.

Mi cerebro está trabajando a tiempo completo.

English translation of Mi cerebro está trabajando a tiempo completo.

My brain is working full time.

Meaning the person's mind or brain ('cerebro') is constantly active, trying to solve problems or think about something.

Ese acertijo realmente hace trabajar a mi cerebro.

English translation of Ese acertijo realmente hace trabajar a mi cerebro.

That puzzle really makes my brain work.

The figure of speech here is that puzzles or problems can 'work' your brain ('cerebro') in the same way physical activity works your muscles.

Necesito alimentos que alimenten mi cerebro.

English translation of Necesito alimentos que alimenten mi cerebro.

I need food that nourishes my brain.

The metaphor is that food can nourish your brain ('cerebro') the same way it nourishes your body. The sentence refers to the need for intellectual stimulation.

El cerebro es el órgano más importante del cuerpo.

English translation of El cerebro es el órgano más importante del cuerpo.

The brain is the most important organ in the body.

This sentence establishes the brain ('cerebro') as the most significant organ in the body, reflecting its central role in controlling physical actions and thought processes.

Estoy estudiando el funcionamiento del cerebro en la universidad.

English translation of Estoy estudiando el funcionamiento del cerebro en la universidad.

I am studying the functioning of the brain at the university.

This phrase means the person is studying neuroscience or a related field that involves understanding how the brain ('cerebro') works at their university.

Tocar un instrumento es bueno para el cerebro.

English translation of Tocar un instrumento es bueno para el cerebro.

Playing an instrument is good for the brain.

The idea expressed is that playing a musical instrument stimulates the brain ('cerebro') and contributes to cognitive development.

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