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celebrar un bautizo

English translation of celebrar un bautizo

celebrate a baptism

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar un bautizo' translates in English to 'celebrate a baptism'. This is a phrase that is oftentimes used in religious proceedings within the Catholic Church. It refers to the festive activities that take place after the sacrament of baptism. This might include a family gathering, a meal, or a party to honor the person who was baptized. It's a way of sharing joy and happiness in acknowledging the welcoming of the person into the Christian community.

Example sentences using: celebrar un bautizo

Vamos a celebrar un bautizo el próximo domingo.

English translation of Vamos a celebrar un bautizo el próximo domingo.

We are going to celebrate a baptism next Sunday.

This sentence is often used to announce an upcoming celebration for a baptism. The event is announced in advance so people can prepare or make arrangements to attend.

¿Podrías ayudarme a preparar todo para celebrar un bautizo?

English translation of ¿Podrías ayudarme a preparar todo para celebrar un bautizo?

Could you help me prepare everything to celebrate a baptism?

This phrase is typically used when someone needs assistance in organizing a baptism celebration. It is a polite, indirect way of asking for help.

Tuvieron que posponer la fiesta para celebrar un bautizo debido a la lluvia.

English translation of Tuvieron que posponer la fiesta para celebrar un bautizo debido a la lluvia.

They had to postpone the party to celebrate a baptism because of the rain.

This sentence expresses an unexpected change of plans. The word 'tuvo' is the preterite tense of 'tener', indicating a past event. The phrase 'debido a' implies causality, in this case the reason for the postponement was the rain.

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