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celebrar misa

English translation of celebrar misa

celebrate mass

The Spanish term 'celebrar misa' translates to 'celebrate mass' in English. It involves the gathering of a Catholic congregation for prayer and worship, usually led by a priest. The mass is a fundamental part of the Catholic faith. It includes readings from the Bible, prayer, song, and the Eucharist, which is the ritual of consecrating bread and wine to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Example sentences using: celebrar misa

Los sacerdotes suelen celebrar misa los domingos.

English translation of Los sacerdotes suelen celebrar misa los domingos.

Priests usually celebrate mass on Sundays.

This phrase is an example of how 'celebrar misa' can be used in a sentence. It implies that priests, as part of their religious duties, typically conduct or celebrate a mass service on Sundays.

Voy a celebrar misa en la catedral de la ciudad.

English translation of Voy a celebrar misa en la catedral de la ciudad.

I'm going to celebrate mass at the city's cathedral.

In this sentence, the speaker uses the phrase 'celebrar misa' to describe their personal experience or plans. They intend to conduct or celebrate a mass service at a certain location – the city's cathedral in this case.

El Papa Francisco va a celebrar misa en la Plaza de San Pedro.

English translation of El Papa Francisco va a celebrar misa en la Plaza de San Pedro.

Pope Francis is going to celebrate mass at St. Peter's Square.

This sentence uses the term 'celebrar misa' in the context of a public event, where the Pope, a significant religious figure, is going to conduct or celebrate a mass service in a specific and notable place – St. Peter's Square.

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