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ceder el paso

English translation of ceder el paso

give way

'Ceder el paso' in Spanish translates to 'give way' in English. This phrase is used in traffic situations where one vehicle is required to yield or give precedence to other vehicles. It may also denote the act of making room for others, in a broader context.

Example sentences using: ceder el paso

Es importante ceder el paso a los peatones en la calle.

English translation of Es importante ceder el paso a los peatones en la calle.

It is important to yield to pedestrians in the street.

This sentence uses 'ceder el paso' to express the idea of giving way or yielding to pedestrians, particularly when they are crossing the street. It highlights a fundamental traffic rule.

El conductor debe ceder el paso cuando el semáforo está en rojo.

English translation of El conductor debe ceder el paso cuando el semáforo está en rojo.

The driver must yield when the traffic light is red.

In this example, 'ceder el paso' is used to describe a driver yield at a red light. It's a common requirement in traffic rules to enhance road safety.

La bicicleta tiene que ceder el paso al tren en el cruce de vías.

English translation of La bicicleta tiene que ceder el paso al tren en el cruce de vías.

The bicycle has to yield to the train at the rail crossing.

Here, 'ceder el paso' is used in the context of a rail crossing. It's a customary rule for cyclists, and vehicles alike, to yield to trains at railway crossings due to safety considerations.

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