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English translation of caudaloso

flow rate

The Spanish word 'caudaloso' refers to a high flow rate, often used to describe a river or stream. Literally, it translates to 'abundant flow'. In English, it could be used in context such as, 'The Amazon is a caudaloso, or abundantly flowing river'. The term is fundamentally used to face the high volume of water flow in a river or a stream.

Example sentences using: caudaloso

El río Amazonas es muy caudaloso.

English translation of El río Amazonas es muy caudaloso.

The Amazon River is very torrential.

This sentence is pointing out about the large water flow, characteristic of the Amazon River considered as one of the more torrential rivers in the world.

Ella escribió un poema acerca del caudaloso río.

English translation of Ella escribió un poema acerca del caudaloso río.

She wrote a poem about the torrential river.

In this example, 'caudaloso' is used to describe a river's attribute in a poem that a woman wrote which could potentially be portraying the immense volume of water that the river carries.

Los caudalosos ríos de la cordillera alimentan las tierras bajas.

English translation of Los caudalosos ríos de la cordillera alimentan las tierras bajas.

The torrential rivers of the mountain range nourish the lowlands.

This context describes the role of large, torrential rivers within mountains. These rivers play a crucial role in providing water to the lowland areas. The adjective 'caudaloso' highlights the rivers' substantial water volume.

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