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caudal de un río

English translation of caudal de un río

flow of a river

The Spanish phrase 'caudal de un río' translates to 'flow of a river' in English. It refers to the quantity of water that passes through a river per unit of time. It is often measured in cubic meters per second. This term is popularly used in the study of hydrology, an aspect of geographical science that majorly focuses on water bodies. The flow of a river can significantly affect the environment and ecosystems around it, as it determines the amount of water available for both human use and wildlife habitats.

Example sentences using: caudal de un río

El caudal de un río puede variar según la temporada.

English translation of El caudal de un río puede variar según la temporada.

The flow of a river can vary depending on the season.

This sentence is saying that the amount of water flowing in a river (its flow or 'caudal') can change based on whether it's the rainy season, dry season, etc.

La construcción de la represa afectará el caudal de un río.

English translation of La construcción de la represa afectará el caudal de un río.

The construction of the dam will affect the flow of a river.

The sentence indicates that building a dam has an effect on a river's flow('caudal'), likely reducing it because dams tend to hold back water.

Es necesario monitorizar constantemente el caudal de un río para prevenir inundaciones.

English translation of Es necesario monitorizar constantemente el caudal de un río para prevenir inundaciones.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the flow of a river to prevent flooding.

The sentence is suggesting that by keeping a close watch on how much water is flowing in a river ('caudal'), people can get advance warning if there's a chance of a flood.

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