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English translation of católico


The word 'católico' is a Spanish adjective and noun that translates to 'Catholic' in English. It's often used to refer to someone who follows the Catholic religion, which is a branch of Christianity led by the Pope. It could also be used to talk about anything related to the Catholic Church or its teachings. Like English, the Spanish language also differentiates between the use of capital and lowercase letters. Capitalized 'Católico' typically refers to the organization (the Catholic Church), while lowercase 'católico' refers to the individual believer.

Example sentences using: católico

Soy católico practicante.

English translation of Soy católico practicante.

I am a practicing Catholic.

This first sentence is used when someone wants to state their religious affiliation, specifically that they not only identify as Catholic, but they actively practice this faith.

El matrimonio católico tiene sus propias reglas.

English translation of El matrimonio católico tiene sus propias reglas.

Catholic marriage has its own rules.

The second sentence could be used in a discussion about the specific rules and customs associated with marriage within the Catholic faith.

La educación católica se basa en valores cristianos.

English translation of La educación católica se basa en valores cristianos.

Catholic education is based on Christian values.

The third sentence might be used when talking about the principles and values taught within a Catholic educational system.

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