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English translation of catolicismo


The Spanish word 'catolicismo' translates to 'Catholicism' in English. Catholicism is the branch of Christianity that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, as passed down through the Apostolic succession of the Pope, who is recognized as the successor of Saint Peter. The Catholic Church upholds seven sacraments, including baptism and the Eucharist, as integral to the practice of faith. The word 'catolicismo' in Spanish reflects these same beliefs and religious structures.

Example sentences using: catolicismo

El catolicismo es la religión predominante en España

English translation of El catolicismo es la religión predominante en España

Catholicism is the predominant religion in Spain

This sentence signifies that the majority religion in Spain is Catholicism.

El catolicismo influye mucho en la cultura española

English translation of El catolicismo influye mucho en la cultura española

Catholicism greatly influences Spanish culture

This statement explains the significant influence that Catholicism has on Spanish culture, implying its norms and values may be reflected in Spain's customs, traditions, and societal behavior.

Intento entender el catolicismo desde una perspectiva histórica

English translation of Intento entender el catolicismo desde una perspectiva histórica

I try to understand Catholicism from a historical perspective

This expression indicates a person's attempt to comprehend Catholicism through the lens of history; possibly understanding the religion's development, its role and impact through different historical periods.

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