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English translation of catedral


The Spanish word 'catedral' translates to 'cathedral' in English. A cathedral is a large, important church, often the principal church of a diocese, with which a bishop is officially associated. Cathedrals are typical symbols of the Catholic faith but are also present in other Christian denominations. Similarly, 'catedral' in Spanish also bear religious importance and often represent the center of religious activities in a city or region.

Example sentences using: catedral

La catedral es bellísima en el atardecer.

English translation of La catedral es bellísima en el atardecer.

The cathedral is very beautiful at sunset.

This sentence is used to highlight the beauty of a cathedral during a specific time of day - sunset. The phrase emphasizes the aesthetic appreciation of the speaker.

La catedral se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad.

English translation of La catedral se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad.

The cathedral is located in the city center.

This sentence is used when giving directions or describing the location of something, in this case a cathedral. It identifies the location of the cathedral relative to a larger context - the city center.

Nos casaremos en la catedral este verano.

English translation of Nos casaremos en la catedral este verano.

We will get married in the cathedral this summer.

This sentence expresses an intent or plan for the future. The speaker shares their plans about a future wedding in a cathedral. The summer is given as the time frame for the event.

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