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casco antiguo

English translation of casco antiguo

Old Town

The Spanish term 'casco antiguo' directly translates to 'old town' in English. It refers to the historical or original nucleus of a city, often preserving the old architecture and historical elements. Many European cities are popular for their old towns, which draw travelers looking to experience rich history and culture. The 'casco antiguo' encompasses a city's roots and may boast museums, cathedrals, and other significant monuments. These areas often contain narrow, winding streets and buildings dating back several centuries, creating a distinctive charm and character.

Example sentences using: casco antiguo

El casco antiguo es uno de mis lugares favoritos para visitar.

English translation of El casco antiguo es uno de mis lugares favoritos para visitar.

The old town is one of my favorite places to visit.

This sentence suggests that the speaker enjoys visiting older, historic parts of cities, referred to in Spanish as 'casco antiguo'.

Mi casa está cerca del casco antiguo.

English translation of Mi casa está cerca del casco antiguo.

My home is near the old town.

This sentence expresses the proximity of the speaker's home to a historic town or city center.

Hay un gran mercado en el casco antiguo cada domingo.

English translation of Hay un gran mercado en el casco antiguo cada domingo.

There is a big market in the old town every Sunday.

This sentence tells us that there is a weekly market in the historic city center, which is common in many Spanish towns.

El casco antiguo de la ciudad es muy pintoresco.

English translation of El casco antiguo de la ciudad es muy pintoresco.

The old town of the city is very picturesque.

This sentence describes the city's old town as visually appealing or charming.

En el casco antiguo hay muchas tiendas únicas.

English translation of En el casco antiguo hay muchas tiendas únicas.

In the old town, there are many unique shops.

This sentence describes the presence of unique or special shops in the historical part of a city or town.

Podemos caminar por el casco antiguo después de cena.

English translation of Podemos caminar por el casco antiguo después de cena.

We can walk around the old town after dinner.

This sentence suggests a post-dinner walk in the area of the city known as the old town, a common leisure activity in many Spanish-speaking countries.

El casco antiguo mantiene su encanto a pesar de los cambios modernos.

English translation of El casco antiguo mantiene su encanto a pesar de los cambios modernos.

The old town maintains its charm despite modern changes.

This sentence suggests that the historical area of the city has managed to preserve its charm amidst modernization.

El restaurante está en el corazón del casco antiguo.

English translation of El restaurante está en el corazón del casco antiguo.

The restaurant is in the heart of the old town.

This sentence conveys that a particular restaurant is centrally located in the historic area of a city or town.

La mejor paella la probamos en el casco antiguo.

English translation of La mejor paella la probamos en el casco antiguo.

We tried the best paella in the old town.

This sentence refers to a positive culinary experience with paella, a traditional Spanish dish, which took place in the historic city center.

Vives en el casco antiguo, ¿no?

English translation of Vives en el casco antiguo, ¿no?

You live in the old town, don't you?

This sentence is a question verifying where someone lives, specifically asking if the person resides in the older part of town.

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