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English translation of cascanueces


The Spanish phrase 'cascanueces' is used to refer to the tool used to crack nuts open, just like 'nutcracker' in English. It can also refer to a person or thing that cracks nuts. Moreover, it is also synonymous to the famous ballet and its leading character. The term is used quite similarly in Spanish as in English.

Example sentences using: cascanueces

La cascanueces es una herramienta de cocina esencial durante las festividades.

English translation of La cascanueces es una herramienta de cocina esencial durante las festividades.

The nutcracker is an essential kitchen tool during the holidays.

The term 'cascanueces' refers to the kitchen tool used for cracking nuts, and it is particularly commonly used during festive occasions.

El ballet 'El Cascanueces' es un clásico durante las vacaciones de Navidad.

English translation of El ballet 'El Cascanueces' es un clásico durante las vacaciones de Navidad.

The ballet 'The Nutcracker' is a classic during the Christmas holidays.

In this context, 'Cascanueces' is a famous ballet play performed during the holiday season all over the world.

El cuento del Cascanueces es una historia mágica que a todos los niños les gusta.

English translation of El cuento del Cascanueces es una historia mágica que a todos los niños les gusta.

The story of The Nutcracker is a magical story that all children like.

Here, 'Cascanueces' refers to the main character in a well-known fairy tale.

Me lastimé la mano con el cascanueces.

English translation of Me lastimé la mano con el cascanueces.

I hurt my hand with the nutcracker.

In this sentence, 'cascanueces' refers to the tool used to crack nuts which the speaker accidentally hurt their hand on.

Los cascanueces suelen ser de metal, madera o plástico.

English translation of Los cascanueces suelen ser de metal, madera o plástico.

Nutcrackers are usually made of metal, wood or plastic.

This sentence speaks about the typical materials from which a 'cascanueces' (nutcracker) is made.

Mi abuela guardaba su cascanueces antiguo como un tesoro familiar.

English translation of Mi abuela guardaba su cascanueces antiguo como un tesoro familiar.

My grandmother kept her old nutcracker as a family treasure.

In this case, 'cascanueces' refers to a valued object in the speaker's family.

El soldado de plomo era un cascanueces.

English translation of El soldado de plomo era un cascanueces.

The tin soldier was a nutcracker.

In this situation, 'cascanueces' is a character from a famous story that's often represented as a tin soldier.

Mi hermano pequeño tiene miedo del cascanueces en la vitrina.

English translation of Mi hermano pequeño tiene miedo del cascanueces en la vitrina.

My younger brother is scared of the nutcracker in the display case.

Here, the 'cascanueces' could be a decorative item that is on display and is causing fear in the speaker's younger brother.

El cascanueces colocado en el centro de la mesa llamó mi atención.

English translation of El cascanueces colocado en el centro de la mesa llamó mi atención.

The nutcracker placed in the center of the table caught my attention.

In this scenario, 'cascanueces' is used to refer to a centerpiece that the speaker found eye-catching.

El niño intentó abrir la nuez sin un cascanueces y falló.

English translation of El niño intentó abrir la nuez sin un cascanueces y falló.

The boy tried to open the nut without a nutcracker and failed.

In this context, 'cascanueces' refers to a tool that one commonly uses to crack open nuts.

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