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cartón reciclado

English translation of cartón reciclado

recycled carton

The Spanish term 'cartón reciclado' translates to 'recycled carton' in English. This term is often used in contexts related to waste management and environmental sustainability. Recycled carton refers to carton materials that have gone through a recycling process to be reused again. In both Spanish and English, recycled carton can refer to any product made from reprocessing waste carton into a new material. This is part of a broader societal push to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste, and thus decrease the environmental impact of our consumer habits.

Example sentences using: cartón reciclado

Por favor, deposita estos papeles en el cajón de cartón reciclado.

English translation of Por favor, deposita estos papeles en el cajón de cartón reciclado.

Please, put these papers in the recycled cardboard drawer.

This sentence is giving instructions on where to place items for recycling. By specifying cartón reciclado (recycled cardboard), the speaker is indicating a specific place for these materials.

La silla que compraste está hecha de cartón reciclado.

English translation of La silla que compraste está hecha de cartón reciclado.

The chair you bought is made of recycled cardboard.

This describes the material out of which an object, in this case a chair, is made. The term cartón reciclado (recycled cardboard) indicates not only the type of material, but also its origin - that it is a reclaimed, environmentally-friendly material.

Este supermercado utiliza cajas de cartón reciclado para empacar los comestibles.

English translation of Este supermercado utiliza cajas de cartón reciclado para empacar los comestibles.

This supermarket uses recycled cardboard boxes to pack groceries.

In this context, cartón reciclado (recycled cardboard) is being used to describe the kind of box that a supermarket uses. This sentence emphasizes the supermarket's environmentally-friendly practice.

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