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carril de vehículos lentos

English translation of carril de vehículos lentos

slow vehicle lane

The term 'carril de vehículos lentos' translates to 'slow vehicle lane' in English. It is a term used in traffic regulations and road signs to designate a specific lane on a highway or motorway that is reserved for vehicles moving at slower speeds. The purpose of this lane is to maintain safe and efficient traffic flow. This lane is often on the right-hand side of the road in countries where traffic drives on the right, and on the left-hand side in countries where traffic drives on the left.

Example sentences using: carril de vehículos lentos

Si conduces despacio, es mejor que te mantengas en el carril de vehículos lentos.

English translation of Si conduces despacio, es mejor que te mantengas en el carril de vehículos lentos.

If you drive slowly, it is better to stay in the slow vehicle lane.

This sentence offers a piece of advice for drivers. If they are driving slowly, they should stay in the slow vehicle lane to avoid blocking faster vehicles.

El carril de vehículos lentos está diseñado para vehículos que no pueden mantener altas velocidades.

English translation of El carril de vehículos lentos está diseñado para vehículos que no pueden mantener altas velocidades.

The slow vehicle lane is designed for vehicles that cannot maintain high speeds.

This sentence describes the purpose of the slow vehicle lane. It is designed for vehicles that are unable to maintain high speeds, ensuring that they do not impede the flow of faster traffic.

Al conducir en la autopista, el carril de vehículos lentos está a tu derecha.

English translation of Al conducir en la autopista, el carril de vehículos lentos está a tu derecha.

When driving on the highway, the slow vehicle lane is to your right.

This sentence gives instructions on highway driving. In countries where drive on the right side of the road, the slow vehicle lane is typically located to the right of other lanes, allowing faster vehicles to overtake on the left.

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