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English translation of cara


The word 'cara' in Spanish translates to 'face' in English. It is widely used in the same context as it is in English, to refer to the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in animals. Moreover, 'cara' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to express notions such as shamelessness (having 'cara dura'), costliness ('cara' as in expensive), or aspects of playing cards ('cara' as the face side of the card).

Example sentences using: cara

Tu cara me suena.

English translation of Tu cara me suena.

Your face rings a bell.

This is a commonly used phrase to tell someone that their face looks familiar.

Esa es la cara de la moneda.

English translation of Esa es la cara de la moneda.

That's the face of the coin.

This phrase refers to looking at a situation from a different perspective.

Ella tiene una cara muy bonita.

English translation of Ella tiene una cara muy bonita.

She has a very pretty face.

This sentence is typically used to compliment someone's facial features.

La risa es el mejor maquillaje que una cara puede llevar.

English translation of La risa es el mejor maquillaje que una cara puede llevar.

Laughter is the best makeup a face can wear.

A popular saying suggesting that happiness is the most attractive quality.

No puedo olvidar tu cara.

English translation of No puedo olvidar tu cara.

I can't forget your face.

This phrase expresses the impact that remembering someone's face has on the speaker.

Podría pintar tu cara con los ojos cerrados.

English translation of Podría pintar tu cara con los ojos cerrados.

I could paint your face with my eyes closed.

This phrase indicates a deep familiarity with someone's facial features.

La cara es el espejo del alma.

English translation of La cara es el espejo del alma.

The face is the mirror of the soul.

This is a common saying suggesting that the face reflects a person's character or emotions.

Nunca he visto esa cara antes.

English translation of Nunca he visto esa cara antes.

I have never seen that face before.

A phrase used when the speaker does not recognize someone.

No puede esconder sus sentimientos, se le ve en la cara.

English translation of No puede esconder sus sentimientos, se le ve en la cara.

He can't hide his feelings, it shows on his face.

This phrase suggests that someone's facial expressions reveal their emotions.

La cara de él se iluminó cuando la vio.

English translation of La cara de él se iluminó cuando la vio.

His face lit up when he saw her.

This phrase describes a joyful and visible reaction on someone's face.

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