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English translation of capilla


The Spanish word 'capilla' translates to 'chapel' in English. A 'capilla' is a place, often a part of a larger structure like a church or in a hospital, school or prison, for people to go to pray and participate in religious practices. It's generally smaller than the main place of worship and might be used for more intimate services or ceremonies.

Example sentences using: capilla

La capilla está ubicada en la cima de la colina.

English translation of La capilla está ubicada en la cima de la colina.

The chapel is located at the top of the hill.

This sentence defines the location of a chapel at the top of a hill. 'Capilla' is used in this context to refer to a distant geographical location.

Nos encontramos en la capilla del pueblo.

English translation of Nos encontramos en la capilla del pueblo.

We meet at the town chapel.

This sentence indicates a scenario where people meet or gather in a chapel, which is a small place of worship. In this context, 'capilla' is used to denote a physical locale.

La boda se celebrará en la capilla de la universidad.

English translation of La boda se celebrará en la capilla de la universidad.

The wedding will be held at the university chapel.

This sentence describes a wedding event that will take place in a university chapel. 'Capilla' here represents a specific place where the ceremony will occur.

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