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campaña electoral

English translation of campaña electoral

electoral campaign

The Spanish term 'campaña electoral' translates to 'electoral campaign' in English. An 'electoral campaign' is a systematic, targeted effort, often undertaken by a politician, a political party, or an electoral campaign organization, to influence decision making process within a specific group, typically in the run up to a vote or election. Such campaigns include activities designed to attract the public support needed for the candidate to win the election and typically involve various strategies such as advertising, public speaking, and public relations work.

Example sentences using: campaña electoral

La campaña electoral ha comenzado muy temprano este año.

English translation of La campaña electoral ha comenzado muy temprano este año.

The electoral campaign has started very early this year.

This sentence indicates that the activities related to the electoral campaign, such as speeches, canvassing, political advertising, etc., have begun earlier in the year than usual.

Los candidatos están preparándose para la próxima campaña electoral.

English translation of Los candidatos están preparándose para la próxima campaña electoral.

Candidates are preparing for the next electoral campaign.

In this context, candidates for a political position are getting ready for the expected period of intense political activity ahead of an election, which is the electoral campaign.

Durante la campaña electoral, las promesas de los políticos a menudo parecen irreales.

English translation of Durante la campaña electoral, las promesas de los políticos a menudo parecen irreales.

During the electoral campaign, politicians' promises often seem unreal.

This includes an observation about the nature of electoral campaigns: that politicians may sometimes make promises which do not seem achievable or realistic.

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