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cambiar de rumbo

English translation of cambiar de rumbo

change course

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de rumbo' translates to 'change course' in English. This can refer to altering the direction in which something is moving, particularly in the context of a vehicle or person's path. It can also be used more metaphorically, suggesting a change in approach, plan, or strategy. For example, in a business meeting, 'cambiar de rumbo' might be used to suggest shifting the focus or plan for a project.

Example sentences using: cambiar de rumbo

Por las circunstancias imprevistas, tuvimos que cambiar de rumbo durante el viaje.

English translation of Por las circunstancias imprevistas, tuvimos que cambiar de rumbo durante el viaje.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to change course during the trip.

This phrase is used when there is a need to change plans or direction due to unexpected events, in this case during a trip.

Si no vemos resultados pronto, tendremos que cambiar de rumbo en nuestra estrategia de marketing.

English translation of Si no vemos resultados pronto, tendremos que cambiar de rumbo en nuestra estrategia de marketing.

If we don't see results soon, we'll have to change course in our marketing strategy.

This phrase indicates that if the current marketing strategy doesn't produce desired results, there will be a need to adjust it or change it completely.

El capitán decidió cambiar de rumbo para evitar la tormenta.

English translation of El capitán decidió cambiar de rumbo para evitar la tormenta.

The captain decided to change course to avoid the storm.

This phrase is used literally to refer to changing direction or path to avoid a threat or danger, in this case a storm in a nautical context.

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