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cambiar de dirección

English translation of cambiar de dirección

change direction

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de dirección' translates to 'change direction' in English. It is typically used to denote a change in the course or path that someone or something is taking. For example, in the context of navigation or driving, it might be used to indicate a change in direction or route. Similarly, in the context of a discussion or project, it might refer to a shift in focus or approach.

Example sentences using: cambiar de dirección

Es necesario cambiar de dirección para llegar más rápido.

English translation of Es necesario cambiar de dirección para llegar más rápido.

It is necessary to change direction to arrive faster.

This phrase suggests the importance of altering your route to save time in reaching a destination.

Si no podemos continuar, tendremos que cambiar de dirección.

English translation of Si no podemos continuar, tendremos que cambiar de dirección.

If we can't continue, we will have to change direction.

Here, the phrase implies that if ongoing progress is halted, a new path or approach must be taken.

Él decidió cambiar de dirección en su carrera profesional.

English translation of Él decidió cambiar de dirección en su carrera profesional.

He decided to change direction in his professional career.

This example indicates a person making a significant shift in their career path, suggesting a desire for new opportunities.

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