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cámara digital

English translation of cámara digital

digital camera

The Spanish term 'cámara digital' translates to 'digital camera' in English. It is a device that captures photographs electronically. Instead of a film strip or photosensitive plate, a digital camera uses digital technology to convert light into electronic data. This data is then stored in memory. As with any camera, the digital camera's primary purpose is to capture pictures and videos. With the advantage of modern technology, it allows users to check images instantly, edit them, and even share online if desired. This tool is extensively used in various fields such as photography, videography, journalism, and on personal occasions.

Example sentences using: cámara digital

Mi cámara digital tiene 16 megapíxeles.

English translation of Mi cámara digital tiene 16 megapíxeles.

My digital camera has 16 megapixels.

This is a simple declarative sentence indicating the speaker's digital camera's resolution, measured in megapixels, which is a unit of graphic resolution equivalent to one million pixels.

Ten cuidado de no dejar caer la cámara digital.

English translation of Ten cuidado de no dejar caer la cámara digital.

Be careful not to drop the digital camera.

This sentence is a warning or piece of advice from the speaker to the listener, instructing them to handle the digital camera with care to avoid causing it to fall and potentially get damaged.

¿Puedes enseñarme a utilizar esta cámara digital?

English translation of ¿Puedes enseñarme a utilizar esta cámara digital?

Can you teach me how to use this digital camera?

This sentence is a polite request from the speaker, asking the listener if they can instruct or guide them in the use of a specific digital camera.

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