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calle comercial

English translation of calle comercial

Commercial street

The term 'calle comercial' in Spanish translates to 'commercial street' in English. In many cities, this refers to a busy street where many businesses and retail shops are located. It could also be known as a business district or downtown area in some English-speaking places. These streets often bustle with activity with shoppers during the day, and sometimes even during the night depending on the area and culture.

Example sentences using: calle comercial

Quiero visitar la calle comercial para comprar una camiseta nueva.

English translation of Quiero visitar la calle comercial para comprar una camiseta nueva.

I want to visit the commercial street to buy a new shirt.

This sentence implies the speaker wants to go shopping for a new shirt on a street known for its shops or markets.

La calle comercial está llena de tiendas de moda.

English translation of La calle comercial está llena de tiendas de moda.

The commercial street is full of fashion stores.

Someone is noting the abundance of fashion-related stores on a particular shopping or commercial street.

Vivo cerca de la calle comercial, así que es conveniente para mí ir de compras.

English translation of Vivo cerca de la calle comercial, así que es conveniente para mí ir de compras.

I live near the commercial street, so it is convenient for me to go shopping.

The speaker states that living near a commercial area makes shopping convenient, likely due to the proximity of shops or markets.

La calle comercial es el mejor lugar para comprar regalos de recuerdo.

English translation of La calle comercial es el mejor lugar para comprar regalos de recuerdo.

The commercial street is the best place to buy souvenir gifts.

Someone recommends a specific commercial street as an ideal location to purchase souvenirs, typically tokens or mementoes of a location.

La calle comercial fue renovada para atraer a más turistas.

English translation of La calle comercial fue renovada para atraer a más turistas.

The commercial street was renovated to attract more tourists.

This implies a commercial street was improved or updated to better appeal to or accommodate tourists.

English translation of La nueva librería en la calle comercial es muy popular.

The new bookstore on the commercial street is very popular.

The speaker indicates that a recently opened bookstore on a shopping street has gained significant popularity.

La calle comercial se ve especialmente hermosa durante la temporada de Navidad.

English translation of La calle comercial se ve especialmente hermosa durante la temporada de Navidad.

The commercial street looks especially beautiful during the Christmas season.

This phrase suggests that a commercial street is particularly attractive or festive throughout the holiday season.

Los restaurantes en la calle comercial ofrecen deliciosas comidas de diferentes partes del mundo.

English translation of Los restaurantes en la calle comercial ofrecen deliciosas comidas de diferentes partes del mundo.

The restaurants on the commercial street offer delicious meals from different parts of the world.

This implies that the eateries on a certain commercial street serve diverse, global cuisine, suggesting that this shopping area has a multi-cultural aspect.

La calle comercial está siempre llena de positividad y vida.

English translation of La calle comercial está siempre llena de positividad y vida.

The commercial street is always full of positivity and life.

The speaker describes a commercial street as a lively and positive space, possibly referring to crowd energy, bustling activity, or general ambience.

El mercado de los domingos en la calle comercial es una tradición en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of El mercado de los domingos en la calle comercial es una tradición en nuestra ciudad.

The Sunday market on the commercial street is a tradition in our city.

This sentence indicates that it is a tradition in the speaker's city to hold a market, probably an event where local vendors sell goods, on a certain commercial street every Sunday.

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