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calendario electoral

English translation of calendario electoral

electoral calendar

The term 'calendario electoral' in Spanish translates to 'electoral calendar' in English. In politics, an electoral calendar is the schedule of various important dates and events leading up to an election, such as the dates for registration, candidate nominations, campaigning periods, and polling day itself. Understanding the electoral calendar is crucial for participants in the election process as it helps set the pace for all electoral activities.

Example sentences using: calendario electoral

El calendario electoral de este año se ha anunciado oficialmente.

English translation of El calendario electoral de este año se ha anunciado oficialmente.

This year's electoral calendar has been officially announced.

This sentence illustrates a typical announcement of an electoral calendar. It is used when a governing body (like a government or organization) has officially informed the public about a schedule of upcoming elections.

Según el calendario electoral, las votaciones comenzarán el próximo mes.

English translation of Según el calendario electoral, las votaciones comenzarán el próximo mes.

According to the electoral calendar, voting will start next month.

This sentence is typically used in discussions about timing of elections. It's a confirmation that voting or any election process will begin at a certain time according to a released electoral calendar.

La revisión del calendario electoral es una tarea importante de la comisión electoral.

English translation of La revisión del calendario electoral es una tarea importante de la comisión electoral.

The review of the electoral calendar is an important task of the electoral commission.

This statement denotes a responsibility carried by an electoral commission. A commission usually has a mandate to review and finalize an electoral calendar. This sentence would come up in discussions about the duties of electoral bodies.

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