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caerse las hojas

English translation of caerse las hojas

leaves falling

The Spanish phrase 'caerse las hojas' represents a natural event regarding trees, specifically it translates to 'leaves falling' in English. This term is frequently used to describe the seasonal changes in autumn when the leaves change colors and start falling from trees.

Example sentences using: caerse las hojas

Cuando empiece a caerse las hojas, sabré que estamos en otoño.

English translation of Cuando empiece a caerse las hojas, sabré que estamos en otoño.

When the leaves start to fall, I will know we are in autumn.

This phrase is expressing that the falling of the leaves is a sign of the arrival of autumn.

No puedes evitar caerse las hojas en esta época del año.

English translation of No puedes evitar caerse las hojas en esta época del año.

You can't avoid the leaves falling at this time of year.

This sentence conveys that the falling of the leaves is a natural and unavoidable event during a specific season.

Si veo caerse las hojas, ¿puedo anticipar el invierno?

English translation of Si veo caerse las hojas, ¿puedo anticipar el invierno?

If I see the leaves falling, can I anticipate winter?

This sentence is a question, asking if the falling of leaves can be taken as a sign of winter’s approach.

En el parque, podemos observar cómo empiezan a caerse las hojas.

English translation of En el parque, podemos observar cómo empiezan a caerse las hojas.

In the park, we can observe how the leaves begin to fall.

This phrase suggests that the park is a place where one can witness leaves falling.

Caerse las hojas es parte del ciclo de vida de los árboles.

English translation of Caerse las hojas es parte del ciclo de vida de los árboles.

The falling of the leaves is part of the life cycle of the trees.

This sentence explains that the falling of leaves is a normal part of a tree’s life cycle.

Vamos a recoger hojas en el jardín después de que se empiecen a caerse las hojas.

English translation of Vamos a recoger hojas en el jardín después de que se empiecen a caerse las hojas.

We are going to pick up leaves in the garden after they start to fall.

This phrase is a declaration of an action that will take place after leaves have started to fall.

En nuestra última clase de arte, dibujamos árboles con hojas empezando a caerse.

English translation of En nuestra última clase de arte, dibujamos árboles con hojas empezando a caerse.

In our last art class, we drew trees with leaves beginning to fall.

This phrase discusses a past event in an art class where the subject was trees with falling leaves.

Mi abuela solía decir que caerse las hojas traía buena suerte.

English translation of Mi abuela solía decir que caerse las hojas traía buena suerte.

My grandma used to say that falling leaves brought good luck.

This sentence shares a belief held by the speaker's grandmother about the significance of falling leaves.

Anoté en mi diario la primera vez que vi caerse las hojas.

English translation of Anoté en mi diario la primera vez que vi caerse las hojas.

I noted in my diary the first time I saw the leaves fall.

This phrase recounts a special memory related to the first time the speaker observed leaves falling.

A mi perro le encanta correr cuando empiezan a caerse las hojas.

English translation of A mi perro le encanta correr cuando empiezan a caerse las hojas.

My dog loves to run when the leaves start to fall.

This phrase shares a personal observation about the behavior of the speaker's dog during the time when leaves are falling.

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