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English translation of cachorro


'Cachorro' is a Spanish word which generally refers to a young, juvenile animal, especially a mammal like a dog or a cat. However, it is most commonly used to mean 'puppy' in English, which is a young, not fully grown dog. It may also be used less commonly to refer to young of other animals. 'Cachorro' encompasses the meaning of cuteness, youthfulness and learning which are associated with the english word 'puppy'. Like 'puppy', it's often used with both affection and indulgence.

Example sentences using: cachorro

El cachorro jugueteaba en el jardín

English translation of El cachorro jugueteaba en el jardín

The puppy was frolicking in the garden

This sentence uses the word cachorro to describe a puppy playing in the garden.

Ese cachorro es muy travieso

English translation of Ese cachorro es muy travieso

That puppy is very naughty

The phrase 'ese cachorro es muy travieso' is used to indicate that the puppy in question is very naughty or mischievous.

Mi cachorro tiene tres meses

English translation of Mi cachorro tiene tres meses

My puppy is three months old

This is a simple statement that states the age of the speaker’s puppy.

El cachorro come mucho

English translation of El cachorro come mucho

The puppy eats a lot

This sentence is used to denote that the puppy eats a lot of food, indicating it has a healthy, hearty appetite.

Cuidado con el cachorro

English translation of Cuidado con el cachorro

Be careful with the puppy

This sentence is a cautionary statement urging caution when handling the puppy.

El cachorro ladró toda la noche

English translation of El cachorro ladró toda la noche

The puppy barked all night

This statement indicates that the puppy was barking all through the night.

El cachorro duerme mucho

English translation of El cachorro duerme mucho

The puppy sleeps a lot

This sentence simply states that the puppy sleeps a lot, which is typical for a young dog.

El cachorro es adorable

English translation of El cachorro es adorable

The puppy is adorable

This is a simple, declarative sentence expressing the speaker’s admiration for the cute puppy.

El cachorro corre rápido

English translation of El cachorro corre rápido

The puppy runs fast

This sentence is a simple statement that tells about the speed at which the puppy runs.

Ese es mi cachorro

English translation of Ese es mi cachorro

That is my puppy

This sentence is a simple declaration of ownership of the puppy.

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