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English translation of burgués


The Spanish word 'burgués' translates to 'bourgeois' in English. It's primarily used in social context to describe a member from the middle class in society or someone who has social behavior and political views held by these people. It's originated from bourgeois society which is essentially a society that is controlled by the middle-class people who are marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability.

Example sentences using: burgués

El burgués gastó su dinero en ropa cara

English translation of El burgués gastó su dinero en ropa cara

The bourgeois spent his money on expensive clothes

This sentence denotes the spending habits associated with the classes considered bourgeois or upper class, focusing on the consumption of luxury items such as expensive clothing.

La burguesía controla la economía del país

English translation of La burguesía controla la economía del país

The bourgeoisie controls the country's economy

In this context, the term bourgeoisie refers to the economic upper class in a generalized sense. The bourgeoisie has economic influence and power which, the sentence suggests, encompasses control over the country's entire economy.

Vive como un burgués con su coche de lujo

English translation of Vive como un burgués con su coche de lujo

He lives like a bourgeois with his luxury car

This sentence paints a picture of a bourgeois lifestyle as one marked by excessive luxury and wealth, in this case featuring a luxury automobile as an example of opulence.

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