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buenas maneras

English translation of buenas maneras

Good manners

The Spanish phrase 'buenas maneras' translates to 'good manners' in English. Good manners refer to the polite behaviors that are socially acceptable and expected in a particular culture or society. Examples of good manners might include saying 'please' and 'thank you', holding the door open for the person behind you, or using polite language when addressing others. In Spanish, similarly to English, demonstrating 'buenas maneras' is often seen as a sign of respect and good upbringing.

Example sentences using: buenas maneras

Es importante enseñar buenas maneras a los niños desde una edad temprana.

English translation of Es importante enseñar buenas maneras a los niños desde una edad temprana.

It is important to teach good manners to children from an early age.

This sentence demonstrates the application of the phrase 'buenas maneras' in the context of nurturing children. It highlights the importance of imparting good manners in children while they are still young.

Las buenas maneras son un reflejo de tu educación.

English translation of Las buenas maneras son un reflejo de tu educación.

Good manners are a reflection of your education.

In this instance, 'buenas maneras' is being used to reflect one's upbringing. The idea being conveyed is that the manners one displays are indicative of the type of education one has received.

Todo el mundo aprecia las buenas maneras en una conversación.

English translation of Todo el mundo aprecia las buenas maneras en una conversación.

Everyone appreciates good manners in a conversation.

This sentence uses 'buenas maneras' in the context of general conversation, emphasizing the universal appreciation for good manners during dialogues. It underscores how good manners can positively influence a discussion.

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