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English translation of brújula


The word 'brújula' is a noun in the Spanish language, and it translates to 'compass' in English. It primarily refers to the portable navigational instrument for finding directions. It is typically used in navigation or geographical contexts.

Example sentences using: brújula

Soy como una brújula, siempre señalando el norte.

English translation of Soy como una brújula, siempre señalando el norte.

I am like a compass, always pointing north.

This phrase uses the metaphor of a compass to express constant guidance or direction. Just how a compass always points north, the speaker is declaring that they too always provide accurate and reliable guidance.

Perdí mi brújula y estoy desorientado.

English translation of Perdí mi brújula y estoy desorientado.

I lost my compass and I am disoriented.

This phrase uses the losing of a compass as a metaphor for feeling lost or confused. A compass helps determine direction, therefore, losing one would leave someone disoriented.

La brújula es para los navegantes lo que la verdad para el hombre.

English translation of La brújula es para los navegantes lo que la verdad para el hombre.

The compass is to sailors what truth is to man.

This phrase uses a comparison between looking at a compass to find the correct direction when sailing and seeking truth in life. Like a compass provides direction on the sea, truth provides guidance in life.

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